Describe what role you play at your company?
As a member of the QE group it is my responsibility to work with all departments to assure our Manufacturing Process and Product Quality from the point of Formula Transfer through Customer Application including: new product scale-up, batch ticket creation and revision, implementation of new equipment, development of new test methods and support of on-site issues. I am also Coordinator of our "Kaizen" or Continuous Improvement Committee and Abnormality tracking system.
What do you like best about your company?
Our exceptional team and the growth opportunities NPA offers. Also, NPA has cultivated a very strong collaborative culture which helps us all to work together to achieve our goals. Team members from all departments have a strong understanding of our responsibility to the Customer and to other groups within NPA.
What do you like most about your job?
In the QE group I get to apply a wide range of skills and experience including Production, QC, PT, application, chemical analysis, data analysis, and root-cause analysis to support and resolve issues. Additionally, this year I've moved into a Leadership role which has provided me the exciting new experience of developing a capable and effective team.
What skills or personal traits do you have that contribute to your success?
Working across so many departments over my years at NPAC including QC, Production, and PT Technical has enabled me to develop a deeper knowledge of our complete process and customer expectations. Also, strong communication – nearly all work places are social environments and require collaboration to be successful – I believe being able to listen to others and communicate effectively (with an open mind), even in very stressful situations, is critical to success. Finally, I find having a creative or artistic side has been an unexpected benefit to working at NPA. Our products do not just perform a function, but are a major part of the fit and finish of the car. I find having an understanding of aesthetics has prepared me for the often subjective qualities and challenges of paint.
What do you like to do when you're not at work?
My biggest hobby is music; both live and recorded – playing, listening, collecting and discussing. I also enjoy golf, cooking (especially barbeque!), craft beer, reading (especially History!), video games, board games, and all Cleveland Sports (especially The Browns!).
